The magical world turns on them as Voldemort rises to power. More than they have been in the past 6 books combined, because they are being openly hunted. We revisit some key places and characters from all the previous books and a new light is thrown upon some of them. The great thing about the Harry Potter series is that they’re just as good the second time, third time and 67th time! The Deathly Hallows ties up all the loose ends quite neatly, but the audiobook itself is filled with so many twists and turns, it’s impossible to predict how the story will end. It always made me sad whenever I re-read it or listened to it. The final instalment in the Harry Potter series will leave fans satisfied, but also sad.
But what will Harry do then? How can he fulfil the momentous and seemingly impossible task that Professor Dumbledore has left him? The Order of the Phoenix is coming to escort him safely away without Voldemort and his supporters knowing – if they can. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows overview: